Smart Links

7 Feb 2016 2-minute read Al Eardley
Office 365

With Office 365 you are sometimes prompted to enter your credentials. This is not always desired behaviour and in some circumstances it can be avoided.

One approach is to use “Smart Links”. Smart Links involve creating a URL that will provide information related to the “realm” that the user is a member of which in turn allows the Office 365 login server to determine whether it should authenticate the user or whether it should transfer the user to a different authentication provider. In most cases, the Smart Link will direct the browser to and ADFS endpoint with an encoded SAML token and details ot the ultimate location that the user is trying to access, e.g. SharePoint or Exchange within Office 365.

The process is well documented in several different locations so I am not going to repeat all the steps (link).

Recently, however I have had a client who has been unable to follow the steps to create the Smart Links because the tokens that that should appear in the URL have not been presented. It appears that this is related to ADFS 3.0

cases where some of the tokens used in creating the Smart Links do not appear in the URLs. This appears to be related to ADFS 3.0 only.

A solution that works is here

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