Set Azure AD password to never expire

9 Apr 2016 2-minute read Al Eardley
Microsoft 365PowerShell
Azure Active Directory

I use Office 365 for my family’s e-mail and document storage, but they are not keen on regularly changing passwords - the IT department receives a lot of hassle Smile

Although the UI does not allow for the passwords to be set to never expire, PowerShell does.

First off, we can get the status of all users:

## See the status of all users  
Get-MsolUser | Select UserPrincipalName, PasswordNeverExpires;

Or we can get the status of a specific user:

## See the status of a specific user  
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName <user id>| Select UserPrincipalName, PasswordNeverExpires;

The «user id» value is the identity that the user uses to log in, e.g. or

We can get all users who have a password set to expire:

## Get all users with passwords set to expire  
Get-MsolUser | where {$\_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false} | Select UserPrincipalName;

We can change all users with passwords set to expire:

## Change all users to have passwords that never expire  
Get-MsolUser | where {$\_.PasswordNeverExpires -eq $false} | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true;

Or change only one user:

## Change one user to have a password that never expire  
Get-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName <user id> | Set-MsolUser -PasswordNeverExpires $true;

So in short, where the UI in Azure AD does not offer us the capability to manage users in relation to the expiry of their passwords, PowerShell does.

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